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Discoveries and research

Primary areas of interest


Extremophiles and Extreme Environments: survival in simulated space conditions

Exoplanets, Planetary Atmospheres and Philosophy of Astrobiology

Development of instrumentation for astrobiological exploration

Extremophiles and Extreme Environments: survival in simulated space conditions

One of the first lines of research that ExoBioNapoli deals with concerns the study of extremophile organisms and their extreme environments.

Through an active collaboration with the University of Naples "Federico II" ( GiovannelliLab ) it was possible to create a dynamic link of experimental interactions which have the ultimate aim of understanding how some microorganisms - capable of surviving the chemical-physical limits of life - can be used for biotechnological purposes.

In addition to this, thanks to a simulator of Martian conditions that can be found in the Cosmic Physics laboratory of the University of Naples "Parthenope" we are able to test the physiological and chemical-physical response of prokaryotic, eukaryotic and abiotic species (rocks ).

At the moment the research focus is on different types of organisms such as Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Thermatoga neapolitan, Artemia salina,  etc.​

Exoplanets, Planetary Atmospheres and Philosophy of Astrobiology

Thanks to the collaboration with the group ExoPlaNats , our astrobiological team has managed to create a research hub that unravels both biology and astronomy and astrophysics, dealing with vetting of exoplanet, study of hot Neptunians, study the role of photosynthesis on possible terrestrial-type exoplanets, etc.

In addition to this, a new line of research is starting, always with the collaboration of ExoPlaNats regarding the philosophy of astrobiology, its ethical and ecological implications.

Development of Instrumentation for Astrobiological Exploration

Our group also collaborates with projects financed, for example, by ESA such as the Comet Interceptor mission in support of astrophysical and astrobiological exploration, using professional telescopes of distant comets to identify possible targets of the mission.

Furthermore, through the DUSTER project, some members of our group are able to collect samples from the upper atmosphere to be able to study dust coming directly from space (micrometeorites, etc.).

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